+ Sophisticated type, capable of pH and ORP measurements.
+ Power-saving design; rechargeable battery adaptable
+ Waterproof design (IP67, 1m depth, up to 30mins)
+ Data storage up to 1000 points
Measurement Range:
pH: 0.00-14.00
Temperature: 0-100°C
Measuring method:
+ pH: Glass electrode method
+ ORP: Platinum electrode method
Display: Custom LCD
Measuring range:
+ pH: Range: 0.00-14.00 pH - Resolution: 0.01 pH
+ mV: Range: -2000-2000mV - Resolution: 1 mV
+ Temperature: 0.0 -100.0°C - Resolution: 0.1°C
Display range:
+ pH: Range: -2.00 - 16.00 pH - Resolution: 0.01 pH
+ mV: Range: -2200-2200 mV - Resolution: 1 mV
+ Temperature: 5.0 to 110.0°C - Resolution: 0.1 °C
Repeatability (Main body):
+ pH: ±0.02pH
+ mV: ±2 mV
+ Temperature: ±0.2°C
Printing function: Interface is standard equipment, printer is optional
RS-232C interface: Standard equipped
Analog output:
+ pH(0->14, ±700 mV), or mV (±2000mV, 0 -> ±1V)
+ Temperature ( 0 -> 100°C , 0 -> 1V)
Calibration: 1 to 3 points calibration of pH 1, 4. 7, 9, (10), 12
Clock function: Provided(To be shown while conducting a measurement)
Data Storage: 1000 data(measure time, pH or mV, temperature)
Interval time function:
+ Short interval (1 sec to 99 mins 59 secs) data memory
+ Long interval (2mins to 99 hours 59 mins) data memory
Temperature calibration function: 1 point calibration
Auto hold function: Provided
Waterproof: IP67
Performance Compensation Temperature : 0 to 45°C
Power supply: AA alkaline battery/nickel-hydrogen battery ( 2 pieces)
Main body dimensions: Approx. 68 (w) x 35 (h) x 173 (d) mm
Main body weight: Approx. 280g
This product is used for measure pH, ORP, temperature in laboratory.